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The Aixeta BLOG

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In addition to supporting the creators on Aixeta, you can also SUBCRIBE DIRECTLY to AIXETA itself! This is a great way to help support the platform as it grows. We will always reinvest any profits in our association in our community's creators. And there's no pressure, you can change your mind at any time, modifying a subscription or cancelling it altogether. Thanks so much for helping us open Aixeta!
One euro a month, 12 euros a year. , is a very accessible way of adding your grain of rice toward strengthening the creative community around you. Some of our basic expenses are the webhosting, video storage and other digital services that we have to pay each month. A subscription at this level helps us pay the bills. Thanks!
1.00 € monthly
Drip Drip
That's it! With just 3€ a month, you make it possible for us to improve the platform and add new features, like multiple page designs, easier communication between creators and their subscribers, strengthening the publication system to make it easier to upload all kinds of content at once, and if you have proposals or ideas, subscribe at this level, and send them to us!
3.00 € monthly
You are a committed helper, and we appreciate it so much. Your 5€ each month will allow us to not only cover our basic expenses and improve features on the platform but also to help guide creators as they make their pages and with whatever strategic and promotional assistance they need. Thanks to your commitment to creation, we can help them figure out the best way to set up their page and get out the word...
5.00 € monthly
By sending us 10€ each month, you help us expand our marketing campaigns to attract more subscribers and to better promote our creators. Aixeta is not only a subscription managemebt service, but also a cultural center where we help each other promote everyone's creativity. Your support helps us encourage more people to subscribe to our creators through videos and digital marketing, by paying other services and advertising in order to give better visibility to our creators' pages, and by expanding our community of patrons. Thank you!
10.00 € monthly
Giving us 25€ a month covers it all: paying for basic services, adding features to the platform, helping creators with specialized services, and expanding our marketing campaigns. But it also allows us to offer grants and awards to the creators on our platform, the #BequesALaCreació (#CreationGrants): this way we don't only encourage creative people on our platform but also give them extra economic help! Thank you very much for believing in Aixeta and for helping it become what we dreamed it could be.
25.00 € monthly
This is the highest subscription level. We don't know what to say... Thank you for your superlative support to the Catalan platform of continuous micro patronage! With €50 a month, you not only help Aixeta to cover basic services, to enable new services, to accompany the creative community, to make the projects we host more and better known, to help them financially... rather, you make possible that we work without precariousness, meeting the financial needs of all the professionals who work at l'Aixeta.

Thank you very much: Aixeta, with you, is unstoppable!
50.00 € monthly
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You can make a single or monthly donation. Please be advised that this donation is not associated to any benefit and does not grant access to posts that require a subscription.
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